40005-57B **Genuine Buell Primary Drive Chain, XB9, Blast, and Tube Frame Models



Genuine Buell primary drive chain. Stock on XB9 and Blast models but can be used on XB12 models if you are running the 34t (part number 40241-02)  front engine sprocket.

Attention customers outside the US: Before we can ship this out we will require proof of ownership of the Buell you are installing this on. Without this proof (copy of the title with Vin) HD will not let us send this item out. This regardless if the order being sent to a US address first or not. Please email proof to sphdonline@stpaulhd.com.


2003-2010 XB9R, XB9S, XB9SL, XB9SX models

2000-2010 Blast

1995-2002 Tube Frame Models

Think Maintenance